Updates for October | Sandy Oak Chesapeake Bay Retrievers - Blog

Sandy Oak Chesapeakes

Updates for October

NEW RALLY NOVICE TITLE: Molly, aka Sandy Oak's Earth Wind & Fire CGC (Ch. Crackshot Ben There Done That*** x Sandy Oak's Ring of Fire) completed her Rally Novice title this weekend at the Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers show in Dixon, CA. She earned her first leg at the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore show in Pleasanton on October 21st with a 94 point score, then this Saturday she qualified at the Sacramento Valley Dog Fanciers show with a 92 & 1st place, and on Sunday finished her title with a 95. So Molly now is Sandy Oak’s Earth Wind & Fire RN CGC!

Robbie, aka Chesagrove Starry Knight at SandyOak, made his debut in the conformation ring this last Saturday also at the Sacramento Valley DFA show in the puppy 4-6 month old jamboree and went Best of Breed. I haven’t done a lot of work with him on the conformation end of his training and he just couldn’t hold still in the Group ring, but got repeated good looks by the judge Mr. Larry Sorensen. He also received a lot of nice compliments by other well known dog folks that saw him with me at the show.

Watch for Ch. Sandy Oak’s Oh Henry! in the conformation ring again soon! Greg and Luann came to the Del Valle Dog Club show in Pleasanton a couple of weeks ago and brought Henry along! Wow! Henry has matured into a drop-dead gorgeous Chesapeake!! We will start showing him again for his Grand Championship and see where it goes from there! Thank you Greg and Luann! You are doing a great job with Henry who will also be out hunting with Greg this season.

Nothing more for us for this year.....but to try to get out training and to the weekly conformation classes now with both Robbie and Mollie to get ready for the ACC supported Golden Gate Kennel club shows at the end of January. I am hoping to breed Lacey again on her upcoming heat to Ben and already have a few deposits for pups. These Ben & Lacey kids are some of the nicest I think I’ve ever produced.

So, everyone have a Happy Halloween and be safe!